
Oakley – About Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministries About from Rob Oakley on Vimeo.

Oakley – Summit Semester Promo 2012

Oakley — HBF Open Mic Night Final Act 2011

Oakley – The Pikes Peak Summit Experience

Oakley – Summit_The Dish Pit!

Summit_Dish Pit Skit! from Rob Oakley on Vimeo.

Oakley – “Love” the Musical and 500px


It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. I actually thought my Summer would be more full of activity but lately it’s been mostly a time of waiting, patience, and spending most of my time with my family. In less than 24 hours I will be making my departure for Colorado Springs and hope to document my adventure every step of the way as I make pursuit in my much anticipated internship at Summit Ministries.

I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted any pictures too. The reality of that is I actually have been posting a lot of photographs. . . I just managed to overlook posting my best and favorite experiences on the website. To some avail, I hope that my beloved followers can still watch for my work on my Flickr profile and now you can start following a new experience of mine  called 500px. Of course, I still intend to post much of my best work on the website, but I will also be posting a lot of my recent and best work on a very ingenious web-based portfolio by which you can start viewing at the following link.

In the mean time, I’ve also been working on my first Theatrical gig with Applause Theatre Company and hope to be posting some screen shots of my editing work along with a preview of the production itself. Plenty more details to come!

Noblesse oblige,


Oakley – Le Jeune Wedding

I’m excited to report that a plethora of exciting images and articles will be coming to my Facebook page and Website in the coming weeks! I’ll be working on writing content for the site including “How-To” articles for anyone interested in starting a new hobby or career in photography or videography and will also be touching up on some great tips in postproduction work using Photoshop, Premier Pro, and After Effects.

In the mean time, please enjoy this short intro to Terrance and Johnathan Le Jeune’s beautiful wedding!

[Vimeo 19543974]